![Why Evolution of the Mobile Web Will Change Your Life](https://klearvue.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/mobileweb-300x225.jpg)
The increasing use of mobile devices is a huge deal, right? We’ve been seeing and hearing it everywhere– since at least 2012. Mashable called 2013 the Year of Responsive Web Design. Responsive design is of course making your content viewable on a variety of devices from 4″ smartphone screens to large TV screens. The combination of device affordability, increasingly more powerful devices, and rapidly improving network data coverage have created a “perfect storm ” for the mobile web.
Let’s keep it in perspective. The evolution of the mobile web is the biggest thing yet! Bigger than mainframes. Bigger than minicomputers. Bigger than PCs. Even bigger than the internet for desktop PCs. In fact mobile web adoption has been 8 times faster than the internet of the 1990s thru 2000s. As of 2013, there were over 1.2 billion people accessing the web by means of a mobile device.
Amazing right, but you still are not moved.
Well how about the fact that there are now more mobile device connections (7.4 billion reports gsmaintelligence.com) than people on the earth (just under 7.3 billion according to UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division)!
Still not impressed? Well how about this– And its probably a sign of the Cyber-Apocalypse– Google has for the first time actually given a date for its newest algorithm update– which will focus only on mobile search results. Usually Google (the crime cartel that could make your site disappear) announces updates after-the-fact. Which has the impact of a Category 5 Hurricane- sending most of us scrambling to rebuild.
On April 21st, Google will release its new algorithm that focuses strictly on mobile searches. The bottom line is that the impact this update will have for everyone depends on how much of your website traffic is based on mobile searches.
Next week in #WordPress Wednesday we will discuss the specifics of the new algorithm and how we can all adapt to these changes. In the meantime, we would love to hear your questions or comments.