Ministry Videos – A Creative Platform to Reach Out With

Today our Ministry Monday topic is focused on creative use of video for the ministry. Many churches and ministries use video to replay their Sunday Sermon for members and visitors who where unable to attend weekly service. The tech team may upload these to social media sites like You Tube or Vimeo where they can be viewed by church members and the public at large. This will give the members easy access to the videos and allow for sharing on social media and via email which will extend the reach of each video added. And while this is one great use of church video there are several other ways to use visual media to creatively communicate with church members and the local community.

Is your church looking for volunteers? You many want to consider creating a video that speaks specifically to this concept. Let membership and the community know what your volunteer needs are. Develop a video that shows what volunteers do and talk about how often they would be obligated to participate in the acitivity. These videos could be uploaded to You Tube, the church website and sent out over your church social media channels such as Facebook. If you have video screens in the lobby or atrium of the church these same videos can be shared as people walk in or as they exit the building

A full line of “mini” ministry messages could be developed to support larger sermons shared on Sundays. Mini messeges could also be aimed at a particular population within the church such as children, women, singles ….etc. Sharing these mini messeges is quick and easy Using a tablet device such as an ipad combined with a wordpress website and social media channesls.

Church annoucements can be offered to members via the creative platform of video too!! Church leadership will surely get peoples attention in this moden age when graphics and music are added to church annoucements. And don’t forget to add a special welcome to first time visitors, that is sure to leave a positive impression!! Another great idea is to add a spcial video invitation on your website to non members sharing information about the upcoming Sunday service.

As you can see there are many different ways ministries can use video to reach out to membership and local community. We recommend the WordPress platform as a web site so that adding video to your site is super easy and seamless from begining to end. What creative ways are you using video within your ministry?? We would love to hear from you. –> Got a question…post it below or drop us a line on Facebook or Twitter

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