Is Your Church Missing Out On Online Giving?

Is Your Church Missing Out On Online Giving?

Fundraising is always a challenge for non-profits. For churches in a struggling economy, it can seem impossible. However, it is possible to run extremely successful fundraising campaigns during these times. Vision, or more importantly, how you convey that vision is the key.

The good news for churches is that charitable contributions, driven by online giving , grew by almost 5% in 2013. Web technology has improved fundraising by reaching new donors, improving communication with these donors and reducing administrative costs. These factors combine to provide the opportunity for churches to convey, more effectively than ever, their vision.

Is Your Church Missing Out On Its Share Of Online Giving?

I would like to present several ways that churches can use technology to improve fundraising


Video The esssence of getting donors to support your campaign is effectively telling your story. Video, because of its current popularity and accessibiliuty is possibly the most effective method of telling a story. Not only is it easily digested, it is easy to share.

Live web chat

Live web chat Chat benefits non-profit organizations by using real-time conversations and instant response to replace phone or email communication. Live chat provides the ability to directly target potential donors who are browsing the website and to address them by name with tailored messages.

Donor Database

A  good donor database helps create institutional memory about donors, volunteers, event attendees, and others. With fund development staff turnover at an all-time high, it’s crucial to get key information — who gives, when they’ve last given, and why they give — out of the heads of staff and into a central, accessible location. With great data and institutional memory it’s possible for staff, board, and volunteers to build deeper relationships with supporters, which makes segmenting your messaging easier and in turn makes your fundraising more effective!

Giving Made Easier By Mobile Apps

Mobile apps bring the power and reach of mobile phones to nonprofits as a new vehicle for fundraising and donor interaction. Mobile marketing has leveled the field when it comes to raising awareness, attracting donors  Mobile apps streamline the donation process, giving businesses more incentive to give to your cause.

Promotion Through Blogging And Social Media

Although churches have incredible missions, they often struggle with marketing themselves effectively. Blogging and social media are an essential part of any successful fundraising campaign. They provide a low-cost effective means of transforming the vision into remarkable, shareable content. This engagement is the foundation of successful funding campaigns.


WordPress is the cost-efficient tool that can integrate all of these functions with a donor database to effectively run your campaign. Blogging, multimedia and Social Media functions are built in. To find out more about how WordPress can benefit your church or non-profit,



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