
Why Evolution of the Mobile Web Will Change Your Life

  The increasing use of mobile devices is a huge deal, right? We’ve been seeing and hearing it everywhere– since at least 2012. Mashable called 2013 the Year of Responsive Web Design. Responsive design is of course making your content viewable on a variety of devices from 4″ smartphone screens to large TV screens. The …

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5 Steps To Enhance WordPress User Experience (UX)

With the abundance of visually stunning, flashy, eye-appealing WordPress themes, it is easy to choose flash over substance. However, looks aside a good WordPress user experience requires functionality and easy of use for the site visitor.

Most users get mesmerized by the visual nature of a theme to the point that effectiveness gets lost in the shuffle. Top-selling or most downloaded themes are usually more visual then effective. Themes can become a collection of flashy features that may not work well together.