Dance Studio Tech – 4 Great Apps For Dance Instructors


Dance Studio Tech – 4 Great Apps For Dance InstructorsTech Tuesday – Apps For Dance Studios and Instructors

The modern age of technology is in full force. All small businesses must be alert to the latest gadgets and apps available. Dance instructors and studios are no exception to the rule. The busy life of studio or company owner requires attention to detail while artistically developing choreography, costumes and much more. Streamlined communication is extremely important in order to remain organized over the long studio teaching and performing season.The strategic use of technology can make the season journey run much more smoothly.

[su_dropcap size=”4″]1[/su_dropcap] DANCE JOURNAL   This app allows students and teachers to extend the reach of each class season. Within this app is the ability to document information about dance class or a specific dance move. The app allows for notes and video so that information can be pulled up for review many weeks or even months later. Learning newly choreographed moves becomes less of a burden because it can be documented and reviewed even when students are not in the studio.

[su_dropcap size=”4″]2[/su_dropcap]  COACHES EYE   This is a performance-enhancing video app that can be used in studio or on. This awesome app helps instructors and students to review dance moves using the apps powerful instant replay tools. Instructors can create coaching videos for students to improve their understanding on the breakdown of complex moves.

[su_dropcap size=”4″]3[/su_dropcap]SHOP4DANCE     Keeping up with costumes and class attire requirements is an ongoing communication stream between most dance studios and parents. Many times there are specific color combinations that must be noted and errors in purchasing can become quite costly.The Shop4Dance app allows parents to list all studio specific costume requirements in one convent place that is easily accessible. Parents can create a database right on their phone that includes all required items. Parents will be able keep; up with what has been purchased and what is still required. Dance instructors can also create a database with all students listed and keep track of student’s needs, sizes and more. With the reasonable cost of 0.99 this organization tool is sure to be a useful addition to parents and instructors.

[su_dropcap  size=”4″]4[/su_dropcap] SQUARE   This handy compact device allows you to accept credit/debit cards on site whether your classes are held in a studio, rec center or school gymnasium. It is pretty simple to sign up for your square account and get your free device. The Square device hooks right into your ipad, iphone or android device. Students and parents and pay class fees and make costume payments right on the spot with a receipt sent right to their email immediately. Less hassle for everyone.


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