We have known since its April 2015 update (Mobilegeddon), that Google is seriously focused on the mobile search experience. In fact you could say that they are AMPed. Googles latest mobile push is AMP-Accelerated Mobile Pages. This open source project is geared toward streamlining mobile pages so that they load instantly.
How AMP Works
AMP has its own HTML. AMP HTML is a modified version of regular HTML which optimizes pages to load instantly on users’ mobile devices. Of course the first thing everyobe asks is much extra work will be required for me to put my conte nt into thus fornat. The good news for WordPress users is that the WordPress AMP plugin will do the work for you.
So How Can This Benefit Me?
- Speed. On the web speed matters. According to one researcher, a 1 second increase in page speed can increase conversion as much as 27%. If faster is better, then instant is ideal. If your pages load instantly and your competitor’s don’t, you have a distinct advantage.
- Google is now rewarding sites that provide a better mobile experience with higher rankings.
- Enhanced distribution. AMP aims to create an open web in which publisher’s content can appear everywhere instantly. That would benefit consumer, publisher and advertiser alike.
So what are you waiting for? Get the WordPress AMP plugin here. Don’t have WordPress? Watch this video. If you find this helpful, I would love to hear about it. Leave a comment.
Great review on the AMP plugin. I hadn’t heard of it before. I will have to check it out since every little bit helps.