Top 5 Most Shared Video Ads

Could A Monkey Run Your Marketing Department?

First. let me say that my purpose is not to slight or belittle marketing jobs. As any entrepreneur or founder of a startup knows, marketing can be a daunting task. It is not for the faint of heart. Much respect is due to those who can carve out a piece of a market and hold their own, That being said, it is interesting to note that The most shared video ad of 2015. stars an orangutang. Android’s  campaign tops the list, according to Unruly.

That’s right folks. an ad by Android featuring a  monkey and a dog, attracted 6,432,921 shares across social media and the blogosphere.

Here are Unruly’s top 5 most shared video ads

Marketers today have quite a challenge. We live in a world where consumers have access to tons of product information, reviews and recommendations from around the world. The modern consumer has evolved into a buying force to be reckoned with. Likewise, marketers have moved beyond using puppies to sell vacuum cleaners. All that being said, the message made clear by these advertisements is that the best salesman is still an animal or a cartoon character. What do you think?


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