Google AMP Project Promises Faster Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages Are Goal of New Google Project

The AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Project   is Google’s latest step toward its vision for the mobile web. There was Mobile-geddon back in April 2015. Now Google aims to speed up the loading of those mobile pages which it is giving search priority to.

How It Works To Speed Up Mobile Pages

AMP pages promise to be significantly faster loading on mobile devices. Publishers accomplish this using a common library of scripts           and other content  as well as the Google cache.

Publishers like Vox, The Verge, BuzzFeed and the Washington Post are already publishing AMP pages

Most publishers will likely publish both regular and AMP pages. WordPress has already announced a plugin to enable publishing in the format.

Google does not have totally unselfish goals in creating this project.

It is likely that this is a counter move to two steps taken by the competition:

  1. Facebook’s Instant Articles launched in May which features almost instant loading pages from select publishers.

  2. Apple’s latest mobile operating system, iOS 9, featured Apple News. When using their app, users receive articles loaded super-fast.

Google is likely worried that its competitors will offer the same content, at faster speeds, but without the ads that have been so lucrative for them.

It will be interesting to see how this competition plays out.

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2 thoughts on “Accelerated Mobile Pages Are Goal of New Google Project”

  1. Thanks for commenting. Yes, since Google has been the bully on the playground, it’s interesting to see them worry about what others are doing.

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