Technology and the internet may provide as much potential for the advancement of ministries as it does for business. Young people, who are a large and underrepresented segment of church membership, have embraced technology without hesitation. Yet merely adding tech gadgets to what your ministry’s current operations is not a sufficient tech strategy.
No matter how much you plan to integrate technology into your ministry, a tech strategy is crucial. In order to form an effective tech strategy, an assessment is required to ensure that technology goals are aligned with your ministry’s mission and individual department goals.
Asking These Questions Can Help You Form An Effective Tech Strategy
Answering of the following questions by the leaders of each individual department or ministry can help form the basis for an effective tech strategy.
1. Mission -. What is the Mission Statement for your church?
2. What are Ministry Goals of Your Department ?
3. How are your departmental goals currently being met by media?
4. Based on your ministry goals, what are the future media needs of your department
5. Define the gap between where your media ministry is and where you want to be in terms of equipment, staff, supplies, education, etc.
6. What media needs must be met to achieve the media ministry goals of your church and its services and departments?
7. What do you have and what do you need (in the areas of staff , supplies, Education, Structure)
8. What funds are available and/or need to be raised to obtain the neccessary resources?
After making this assessment any course of action must be a synergistic fit between departmental goals and the overall mission of the ministry as a whole. Making this assessment prevents the unneccessary use of your budget onineffective or inefficient resources. Often your may find at this point your needs may be greater in the areas of structure, better use of staff, or training and education. Whatever the case may be, answering thehese questions provides the information necessary for a winning strategy.