1. Start with a personal blog.
If I had to start over, this might be one of my best tips for new bloggers. A personal blog is a great way to get a feel for what direction your blog should take. The advantage of this type of beginning is that you are sheltered from the unforgiving, cold world of blog readers. Readers will ‘take it easy on you’. This may shelter you from the harsh, discouraging comments reserved for writers of pro blogs. Personal blogs allow writers to figure out their blog’s voice and tone as weel as what readers desire.
2. Carefully Choose Your Topic
Pick a topic that you are knowlegeable about and comfortable with. Continue to educate yourself about the topic. This will make it easier to gain the credibility and trust of your readers.Be fairly broad in your topic. This will allow for a wealth of potential posting information. Even after finding your niche, you can expand outward to where you intersect with other
3. Use Multimedia
Blog posts are not text alone. A combination of video, audio and still images should all be included.
4. Use social media
Share your content on as many social media sites as possible. Readers who like your content share you with their networks. Reddit is a recommended platform for getting your content found.
5. Interact with your followers.
Someone reading your blog and making relevant commentrs is a positive step forward. Engage your readers. If possible, respond to all comments. Readers may offer suggestions and encouragement. At some point criticism is inevitable. Develop a thick skin when it comes to critical comments. A well thought out and clearly communicated criticism can be a good thing. If you can connect on a personal level with readers they will share your content with others. Cultivating relationships with other bloggers can get you huge dividends.
6. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO can make a huge difference in whether or not readers find your content. If you are not willing to learn it yourself, it may be worth paying an expert or utilizing premium tools or apps.
7. Continuous Improvement
Keep improving. Blogging is a highly competitive building process. It is comparable to a growth investment. Be happy with small forward steps in the beginning. Perseverance is important. Some of your competitors will quickly drop off when they find that it is not easy.
We hope that you find these tips for new bloggers useful. Let us know what works for you by commenting below.
I think #5 is extremely important. As part of that, visiting others blogs and commenting is very helpful and can also broaden your horizons.
Great post! God bless.
I agree with #1. Getting started with a personal blog is a great platform to learn on. 🙂
These are great tips for new bloggers. I did the above when I started my blog a few years ago. It took a while to figure out the tone and style of my blog but my readers were great and so encouraging.
Stopping by from the UBC FB page.
Yes. It may seem like a little thing, but it could save you a lot of time. Thanks for commenting, Barbara.
Thanks Melinda and may God bless you as well.
When you start out, you need those readers to stay motivated. Thanks Dazediva.