5 Tools That Can Boost Your Productivity

5 Free Tools That Can Boost Your Productivity

Time is a limited resource that we all would like to have more of. And since the 25 hour day has not yet been invented, the next best thing is to decrease the time it takes  to complete everyday tasks. The great thing about modern technology is that for most tasks, there is an application that seeks to make it easier, faster or cheaper. This post is a short list of five such tools that I use regularly to increase my productivity.

Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is a slide show creation tool that allows you to easily enhance the look and feel of any presentation. Not only is it free, Haiku Deck includes access to over 35 million free images and 20 font and image filter combinations.

Haiku Deck is available as an award-winning app for iPad and iPad mini, and as a web app that works with the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, or Firefox



FeedlyFeedly is an easy-to-use RSS feed reader that allows the blogger, newshound and info junkie alike to organize and manage relevant content.




tinyurl -

If you’ve ever tried to copy and paste a very long  URL, Tiny URL is for you. This site ee  shortens very long URLS into “tiny” URLs that are way more manageable, not to mention easier to copy and paste.


Buffer is a social media scheduler

Buffer started as a simple web  tool for pre-scheduling tweets to be sent out throughout the day automatically. Buffer now lets you manage your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts and gives you access to full analytics and click stats for every account. But the best part is that Buffer offers apps for iOS, Android, browser extensions and is even integrated into many other services across the web, like: Pocket and Feedly.


Inbox can replace Mailbox which shut down in Feb. 2016

Inbox by Gmail  helps you use your Gmail account more efficiently.

See order updates, flight status, reservation details, and pictures without having to open the message.

See email  instantly without opening them. There is no need to dig through emails.
Add reminders to the top of your inbox.
Snooze messages and reminders to whenever (or wherever) you choose.
Use the bundles feature to group messages and get clutter out of your way. Unbundled messages appear individually in the inbox.

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If you know of some must-have productivity tools we missed or you want to name your 5 favorites, please do it in a comment here, tell us about it in a comment.

6 thoughts on “5 Free Tools That Can Boost Your Productivity”

  1. You are welcome. Thanks for reading. Haiku Deck used to be called SlideShare and is now a part of LinkedIn. So if you’re on LinkedIn, use it to publish content.

  2. Stopping by from the UBC FB page.
    Thanks for sharing these free tools. I use a few of them but haven’t heard of Haiku Deck (which from the your response to the previous comment is now a part of LinkedIn) or Mailbox. Had a quick look at Mailbox and will be downloading it to check it out.

  3. Of course Aweber is excellent–Possibly the best of its kind. For this post I stuck with the free tools.

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